Sectors we serve

Warehouses / Cold Storage

Warehouses and cold storage facilities are essential in agrarian countries like India due to the high volume of agricultural produce in our country. It is estimated that around 30% of our organic produce is thrown in waste due to lack of proper storage. These storage facilities are essentially located near rural areas so that they are near the fields. However, these areas suffer from the lack of proper grid infrastructure and fluctuating power supply. This is where NextGen Cleantech help you mitigate such problems. We offer a various types of solar power plants that can be customized to suit your storage needs. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy has come up with different subsidies for such solar powered cold storage facilities.

The operating costs of a cold storage facility consists of 30-40% of electricity bills. With a one-time investment in a rooftop solar plant, you can not only remove this cost but also make a key difference in remote rural areas which are not yet electrified or face power shortages.

Installing a solar power system on your roof may seem challenging. Worry not! We at NextGen Cleantech will send an expert to inspect whether your rooftop will support optimal generation from PV panels. Our experts will evaluate the different parameters related to solar power generation like availability of sunlight, the size of your rooftop and possible extensions, shadows due to your surroundings, and lastly the economics of your investment. We will also assist you with obtaining the approvals and permits required from local bodies.

Most of our warehouse and cold storage clientele have opted for On-Grid system ranging from 100 kWp to 1000 kWp to power their house loads like refrigerators, lights and fans, etc.


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